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Can I change which campaign a donation is associated with?

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Yes. To do this, follow the instructions below:

1. Log in to your Fundraising Pages account (e.g., You should now be on your My Campaigns page, where all of your active campaigns are listed.

2. From the People tab at the top of your page, click Donors/Fundraisers.
3. Search for the donor whose donor scroll item you would like to edit (e.g., start typing in "John" if you want to find "John Doe").  Select that donor from the drop-down that appear after you start typing in characters.
4. From the Donor Overview page, click the button Edit next to the order number of the donation you want to edit.
7. Look for the field "Donated to" and click the "edit" link next to it.
8. Scroll down to the "Change the Cause/Project Donated to " section
8. In the "cause" box, start typing your organization's name and then select it when you see it come up in the drop down.
9. Now you can change the page the donation is associated with by selecting the campaign name under the "Project" field.
10. Click Save.

update the campaign a donation is made to
switch the campaign a donation is made to
change which campaign a donation is to
change which campaign a donation is made to



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