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Can I adjust the size of an image in my email blast template?

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Yes. Follow these steps to adjust the size of an image after you've uploaded it:
  1. Click the pencil icon for the given image section of the template
  2. Instead of the Upload tab, which is active by default, select the Choose tab
  3. Then look for the Size dropdown menu and select from Small(300px), Medium(600px), and Large(900px). This will set your image’s width to the number of pixels indicated, while keeping its proportions in tact.
Of course, you can always edit an image prior to upload using a basic image editor. Keep in mind that the image will still try to fit the actual dimensions of the space allowed for in the template. Adjusting the size is a good idea if you want your emails to load faster. Make an image small if you are trying to fit it into half the width of the template. Make an image medium (at least) if it is going to span the whole width of the template. 



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